Walking on Water when You Feel Like You’re Drowning: Finding Hope in Life’s Darkest Moments tackles depression and anxiety–two subjects that are often taboo in Christian circles. Authors Tommy Nelson and Steve Leavitt both have dealt with anxiety and depression. Nelson is a pastor and internationally-known speaker; Leavitt is a counselor. Both share professionally as well as personally about going through those dark times.

Nelson and Leavitt have some good insight into depression and anxiety. I appreciate their candor as well as talking about a subject that most people of faith ignore (or say happens because of something sinful in your life, which may not often be the case). Sometimes the Bible quotes can be annoying–I know that when I go through some tough times, I don’t want people simply quoting Scripture to me–but I also am aware that at times we need to hear those words. It’s not the best book I’ve read, but there also aren’t many Christian books that deal with anxiety and depression. It would be a helpful resource to those battling it or for their loved ones.

I received a free copy of this book from its publisher in exchange for doing an unbiased review.